Time for a Roe-volution: Elect Prochoice Champions. Everywhere.

Heidi L. Sieck
5 min readJan 22, 2018

It’s 2018, everyone! Amazingly, we (mostly) survived a year of this nightmare antichoice presidential administration. Together, the Resistance fought to protect healthcare, access to birth control and abortion through national actions and countless calls to Congress all while playing defense.

For us at #VOTEPROCHOICE, along with our founding organization Democrats.com, we believe that the foundational solution to our current political situation is to play offense everywhere during elections. We need to be running candidates in every election. That’s what the Republicans do, and that’s what we need to do, too.

That’s why #VOTEPROCHOICE focuses on winning every election everywhere through the lens of reproductive freedom. After the wins we saw all across the country in 2017, we know that it’s possible to replace awful, antichoice elected officials who don’t reflect our values with powerful prochoice champions. Everywhere.

#VOTEPROCHOICE has been active in nearly every election since last year’s devastating inauguration. In 2017, #VOTEPROCHOICE proudly endorsed 60 prochoice candidates — from school board to Congress. Our incredible national #VOTEPROCHOICE team supported candidates however they needed it — from speech training to digital field strategy and everything in between. We endorsed 60 candidates, sent out over 3 million #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guides, texted with over 400,000 voters to help turn out the prochoice vote and got 60% of our endorsed candidates elected. We did whatever it took to elevate leaders who reflected our shared values.

Prochoice Nation

We must not forget that 7 in 10 American voters believe women should have safe, respectful access to legal abortion and reproductive health care services. It’s time for every candidate, every organization, every political consultant and every single member of the Democratic Party to embrace this inarguable fact.

We are a prochoice nation.

Today, on the 45th Anniversary of Roe v Wade, #VOTEPROCHOICE launches a ROE-volution! We seek to endorse and elect 300 prochoice champions in less than 300 days.

This is the call. We’re sounding the alarm.

Time to spread this message far and wide.

We are a Prochoice Nation.

Will you help? Join the ROE-volution!

#VOTEPROCHOICE is searching for prochoice champions running for any office in 2018 who will protect and actively advocate for reproductive freedom.

Who should be part of the ROE-volution?

National candidates get all the media coverage and awareness — particularly when we have a very stable genius tweeting from the Oval Office. Meanwhile, antichoice zealots have been targeting state and local offices since Roe v. Wade became law of the land in 1973.

The antichoice movement has always understood that reproductive rights can be upheld or dismantled at every level of government. Mayors are as important as our congressional representation when it comes to reproductive rights. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party and the progressive movement have failed to put comparable resources into building up our progressive prochoice bench over the last 40 years, and that’s, in part, why we’re in this terrible mess. That changes right now.

Join the ROE-volution! Help us find 300 prochoice champions. We will help them win.

Things started looking up for us in 2017. DailyKos reports that Democrats overperformed during the special elections in 2017 and that the enthusiasm in on our side. We witnessed that first hand with our #VOTEPROCHOICE candidates in Virginia, Minnesota, Alabama, Georgia, and Colorado, thanks in part to many of our partner organizations like Sister District, The Collective PAC, Open Progress, The Resurgent Left, People for the American Way’s Victory Fund, Women’s March, and many, many others. But we still have a lot of work ahead of us.

There are about 45,000 offices up for election in 2018 and, frankly, if we really want to get this country back on track, we need to fill each of them with a prochoice champion. That’s why we’re calling for a ROE-volution!

We totally reject the rhetoric that our bench isn’t deep or we don’t have great candidates. Our partners at Vote Run Lead, Emerge America and Emily’s List have been training great prochoice women FOR DECADES. Our bench is thousands deep and thankfully all of these women are all starting to step into the game. We are here to help them win!

#VOTEPROCHOICE is committed to endorsing and electing 300 candidates who will actively protect and defend your reproductive freedom. Please take a look in your communities and let us know who’s running for office. Which candidates are prochoice and deserve an endorsement of a national prochoice team dedicated to electing them? Do you know of awesome first-time candidates who really need the help and resources to win their primary? Send them our way. Or, more importantly, if you don’t have prochoice champions running in your area, perhaps YOU should consider running? We can help you! If you’re not sure where to start but love the idea of a ROE-volution, join our efforts here. We’ll send you information on what candidates need your help.

Meanwhile, we’re honing our proven digital field and electoral strategy to support candidates in areas where reproductive rights are most dire and where we need strong champions defending them. States like Georgia, Indiana, Texas, Idaho, and Missouri. We’re also targeting key swing states where reproductive rights are always under attack, in states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Activating prochoice voters in those states and turning them out to support prochoice candidates up and down the ballot helps strengthen the progressive movement in critical areas. We’re also including states where we’ll be building the blue bench — like Nevada, Colorado and Illinois. It’s all part of the ROE-volution.

We’re sprinting into 2018 to prove what we know to be true — America is a prochoice nation. When we vote our values, we win!

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For more information about #VOTEPROCHOICE visit our website. If you’re a candidate running for office and seeking our endorsement to be a part of the ROE-volution Campaign begin the application process here: bit.ly/vpc-app.

If you want to stay posted about your local prochoice champions visit our social channels where we have our most up-to-date information. We’re active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



Heidi L. Sieck

Co-Founder/CEO #VOTEPROCHOICE * Political Impresario * Elevating Women in Political Leadership * Class Activist * San Franciscan Nebraskan living in NYC *